Watch Full Movie Here | Movie Name : Nurse Jackie (TV Series)




Jackie Peyton (Edie Falco) is an emergency department nurse at the fictional All Saints Hospital in New York City. She has two daughters and is married to her husband Kevin (Dominic Fumusa), although she is having an affair with the hospital pharmacist Eddie (Paul Schulze) in exchange for pills. Her allies at the hospital include Dr. Eleanor O’Hara (Eve Best), new nurse Zoey Barkow (Merritt Wever), and hard-lined administrator Gloria Akalitus (Anna Deavere Smith). Over the course of the first season, she spars with Dr. Fitch Cooper (Peter Facinelli), whom Jackie finds obnoxious, and tries to help her anxious daughter Grace (Ruby Jerins). Other All Saints staff members include Momo (Haaz Sleiman), Thor (Stephen Wallem), Sam (Arjun Gupta), Dr. Ike Prentiss (Morris Chestnut), Dr. Carrie Roman (Betty Gilpin), and Dr. Bernard Prince (Tony Shalhoub).

Jackie’s affair with Eddie comes to an abrupt end when Eddie is fired and subsequently discovers that she’s married. Despite this, he continues to try to ingrain himself into her life by becoming friends with Kevin. Eddie eventually returns to the hospital and he and Jackie remain friends, although she needs a new source for drugs. She begins faking back pain and asks that O’Hara provide her with medication. Meanwhile, O’Hara is left with a windfall of cash after her mother dies and insists on financing Jackie’s daughter’s education. Although Kevin refuses, Jackie secretly takes the money and uses it to pay off debts she’s accrued from her drug habit. After inquiring about a fake MRI, O’Hara discovers that Jackie lied about her back pain and Kevin discovers she took the money without consulting him. Furious, he discovers Jackie’s debt and comes to the conclusion that she’s a drug addict. Kevin and O’Hara stage an intervention on Jackie but she insists that these expenses were for their daughters. Although she’s able to repair her relationship with O’Hara, the Peyton marriage remains on the rocks.

Running low on pills, Jackie steals several thousand dollars worth of drugs off an epileptic man having a seizure. He survives and meets with Jackie: he’s an AA sponsor who begins supplying Jackie with pills in exchange for cash. He also gives Jackie AA coins that she’s able to present to Kevin, falsely claiming to be seeking treatment for her addiction. After her dealer is hit by a bus in a freak accident, Jackie begins going through withdrawal and resorts to taking medication prescribed to her anxious daughter. This devastates O’Hara. Jackie also steals several fentanyl patches from the hospital and blames a temp nurse. This results in an investigation and Jackie’s urine is collected, although Akalitus disposes of the specimen because she knows what the result will be. Meanwhile, Kevin reveals to Jackie that he had a brief affair. Although he’s willing to work things out, she demands that he move out. Her addiction continues to worsen until she brings a junkie into her home who dies after they smoke crack together. After calling O’Hara for help, Jackie breaks down and agrees to go to rehab.

All Saints is bought by a conglomerate called Quantum Bay with the new hospital administrator being Dr. Mike Cruz (Bobby Cannavale). Meanwhile, Jackie goes to rehab and connects with a young addict named Charlie. Although she leaves halfway through and returns to work, she remains committed to staying sober. Her personal life begins to fall apart as Kevin, upon learning she had an affair with Eddie and he supplied her drug habit, serves her with divorce papers and wants primary custody of their daughters. Jackie also spars with Dr. Cruz and his abrasive management style. After Charlie relapses, Jackie learns that he’s the son of Dr. Cruz, and Cruz learns that she’s his friend from rehab. Incensed, Cruz fires Akalitus and Eddie for covering up Jackie’s addiction. As the All Saints staff begins to revolt against his increasingly rigid management, Jackie snaps and Cruz fires her. Charlie overdoses and is admitted to the ER; he dies as Jackie attends the birth of O’Hara’s child.

Several months later, Jackie is still committed to her sobriety and has her job back at All Saints, along with Eddie and Akalitus, with Dr. Cruz having left after Charlie’s death. Jackie is also going through divorce proceedings with Kevin. They’re able to come to an agreement regarding the custody of their daughters as they finalize their divorce. Meanwhile, O’Hara moves back to England and Jackie begins dating a police officer named Frank (Adam Ferrara). Jackie learns that her increasingly rebellious daughter Grace is using drugs. Her relationship with Frank continues to develop. As she approaches one year of sobriety, everything in Jackie’s life appears to be on the mend – however, on the day of her anniversary, she takes a pill.

Jackie reverts back to her old ways but has everyone in her life fooled into thinking she’s still sober. To keep up the facade, she regularly attends AA meetings and even takes on a sponsor named Antoinette (Julie White). Frank catches her using and, naive to what addiction entails, Jackie’s able to convince him it was a one-time thing. However, when Antoinette discovers this, she becomes increasingly worried about Jackie. After a failed attempt at detox, Antoinette continues insisting Jackie go to rehab. Ultimately, Jackie convinces Antoinette, an alcoholic, to fall off the wagon so they can both enter rehab together. As they both enter the rehab clinic intoxicated, Jackie abandons Antoinette there. She also breaks up with Frank and ramps up her drug use. Zoey, who has become Jackie’s increasingly-astute protege over the seasons, suspects she’s using after almost killing a patient. Akalitus demands that Jackie comply with a urine test or enter the hospital’s diversion program, which includes the temporary suspension of her nursing license. Instead, Jackie attempts to leave town with a carful of meds to help hurricane relief victims in Miami. On the way to the airport, Jackie crashes her car into an ambulance and is arrested for drug trafficking.

After her arrest, Jackie is fired but, through the efforts of a cunning lawyer (Mark Feuerstein), she’s able to enter the hospital’s diversion program until the board can convene to discuss the reinstatement of her nursing license. Until then, she mops floors, wears beige scrubs, has her urine tested daily, but cannot touch patients. Zoey in particular is devastated by this arrangement as she’s forced to supervise her former mentor. Akalitus also fires Eddie for supplying Jackie with the drugs she got arrested with. Eddie and Jackie rekindle their romantic relationship and begin selling drugs to pay for Jackie’s expensive lawyer. After purging their stash at a pill mill, the two get engaged. Meanwhile, All Saints is bought by Norwegian developers set to convert the building into luxury condos. Jackie and Zoey briefly stage a revolt to protest the hospital closing but these efforts are ultimately futile.

The board convenes and, after a tumultuous hearing, reinstates Jackie’s nursing license. Jackie immediately reverts to her drug use. Meanwhile, Eddie is busted from the pill mill operation and prepares for a one-year prison sentence. In the hospital’s final days, O’Hara returns and confronts Jackie over her drug use. Jackie receives a job offer from Bellevue Hospital and wants Zoey to come with her; Zoey ultimately declines the offer and states that she needs to move on from Jackie. As the hospital throws a going away party, Jackie snorts several lines of street-grade heroin and overdoses in the middle of their shindig; her fate is left ambiguous.

Cast and characters
Showtime called Jackie Peyton a “strong-willed, iconoclastic New York City nurse juggling the frenzied grind of an urban hospital and an equally challenging personal life,” noting that she had “an occasional weakness for Vicodin, Percocet, and Xanax to get her through the days.”[8] The main characters include Dr. Eleanor O’Hara (Eve Best), a British doctor and Jackie’s best friend at work; Zoey Barkow (Merritt Wever), a spunky, inexperienced nursing student from a community college, “the perfect foil for Jackie’s sharp angles”;[17][18] Dr. Fitch Cooper (Peter Facinelli), “a likable ‘golden boy’ whose calm façade hides a nervous disposition”;[17] and Eddie Walzer (Paul Schulze), a pharmacist with whom Jackie is having an affair at the beginning of the series.[17][19]

Other characters include the officious hospital administrator Gloria Akalitus (Anna Deavere Smith),[17] Jackie’s bar owner husband Kevin (Dominic Fumusa),[18] their daughters Grace (Ruby Jerins) and Fiona (Daisy Tahan in season 1 and Mackenzie Aladjem in seasons 2 through 7), and Thor (Stephen Wallem), Jackie’s kindhearted confidant and the real-life brother of show creator/executive producer Linda Wallem.[20]

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